I’m that kind of person who when told not to do something, gets over whelming urges to do exactly that. So where my exfoliating routine existed, calling it a routine is a little generous. But the moment my dermatologist told me I wouldn’t be allowed to exfoliate my skin for 6 months, all I could think of was beautifully buffed skin. I truly learnt in those long months, what a both instant and long term impact exfoliation has on your skin tone and I’m not sure there are any scrubs out there more effective with 100% natural exfoliants than St.Ives. Throughout my teens I swore by this product and it’s a joy having it back in my bathroom cabinet for the occasions when I really want to get my glow on. So naturally, I jumped at the chance to head down to a super cool London studio and go behind the scenes of their latest shoot with the new Ambassador for the brand, Binky Felstead.
I only recently got into watching her on my TV however I was well aware of Binky’s stunning complexion and natural glow. But like me, Binky had also suffered with her skin and under gone rigorous treatments so I was very excited to get the opportunity to hear all about her secret weapons and favourite products from the St. Ives range. So now you can come behind the scenes with me and see just how incredible she looked because I vlogged the entire day!
You can follow the St.Ives #GetYourGlowOn campaign over on @StIvesSkinUK
This post is in Collaboration with St. Ives but all opinions & experiences are my own.