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10th November 2015 Interiors

#LydiaEliseHOME Launch & Giveaway

I’ve been harping on about it for months now and finally I can reveal that the newest category to launch on is, as many of you guessed, Home Interiors. Now I am certainly not a gifted interior designer by any part, in fact when I stared at the many magnolia walls of our home on the day we picked up the keys I didn’t have the foggiest what I was going to do with this mess. But over the nearly two years we have been here we have transformed and continue to transform our cramped and dull two bedroom house into a bright and cosy home for our little family.

There has been so many instances since we moved in where I have found myself getting excited to tell you all about some amazing pieces I’ve found, from bargain marble trays to the perfect coffee tables but there was no place for them on my blog. But with showing more and more of my home life on snapchat and youtube, I feel like I’ve been collecting all the snaps you have sent asking me to introduce this category and now I’m taking the plunge, I’m nervous so be gentle with me.

For the launch I’ve been lucky enough to team up with the gorgeous Interiors brand Bluebellgray by talented designer Fi Douglas to give away one of their hand knitted Sanday throws worth £225. So whilst you might have been wondering why I’m appearing in a post all about interiors, it is merely to show you just how cosy it is. Don’t get used to it!

So if you would like to celebrate the newest launch with me and enter to win this Winter homeware essential all you have to do is below.



Win a Hand knitted Wool Bluebellgray throw worth £225!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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