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12th June 2015 Life & Style Diaries

Morning florals at Palais Royal


Floral6Waking with the sunrise to shoot amongst the beauty of Paris followed by a breakfast in a typical Parisienne cafe sipping green tea and ordering too many croissants all feels like something of a dream, or at least one of those books I become so enthralled in that I imagine myself as one of the characters. But it most certainly could not actually be my life, could it?

These last few months have been a whirl wind and whenever I bump into fellow bloggers their words are always the same “You’re in a different Country each week right now!” I have to stop and think, but they’re right. It’s been a amazing, I’ve met some of the most truly inspiring women and bloggers that have impacted my life in ways they will never fully understand, visited countries that to me only existed in pictures and shared life stories with new friends until the sun comes up. There’s been bottles popped and blankets snuggled under along side so many of those people who inspired my own blog and all the while the Summer has only just begun.

This Summer is going to be one of the greatest, I can feel it!

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